teedoc update history

    2021-05-21 v1.15.0

    • Add summary2json and summary2yaml command for gitbook sidebar file
    • Add sidebar splitter, you can set sidebar_width(default sidebar width) config for plugin teedoc-plugin-theme-default, e.g.:
    "teedoc-plugin-theme-default": {
                "from": "../../plugins/teedoc-plugin-theme-default",
                "config": {
                    "env": {
                        "sidebar_width": "300px"

    2021-05-21 v1.14.0

    Speed up build by change multithread build to multiprocess build

    2021-05-21 v1.13.0

    Add collapsed: false option for sidebar directory to show sub directory by default

    2021-04-14 v1.12.3

    • fix sidebar active error
    • optimize navbar list type display
    • add navbar list type url support
    • add --thread parameter, to set build thread number
    • update markdown plugin to v1.0.8, warning when parse markdown error instead of program crash

    2021-1-28 v1.0.1

    Basic functions


    project started