teedoc plugin

    Plug-in introduction

    teedoc uses a plug-in system to facilitate expansion

    In the site_config.json file, set the plugins field, such as

        "plugins": {
                "from": "pypi",
                "config": {
                "from": "pypi",
                "config": {
                    "dark": true,
                        "main_color": "#4caf7d"
                    "css": "/static/css/custom.css",
                    "js": "/static/js/custom.js"

    Two plugins are installed by default here, namely teedoc-plugin-markdown-parser and teedoc-plugin-theme-default, both of which are installed directly from pypi.org. The theme plugin has configuration items

    The configuration items include whether to use the dark theme, as well as the environment variable env of the plug-in, and set the main_color to #4caf7d. This value will be used in the plug-in. Set the theme color to the corresponding color;

    As well as setting custom css files and js files, the value is url, not the file path (for the mapping of file path and url please see the introduction of route (route), by setting this css File, you can override the default style of the theme plug-in to achieve simple custom functions